Bob Smith
Ki and Bob have a wealth of information to share and the seamless way they instruct together has a profound effect upon students of theirs. Ki and Bob were married in two ceremonies in the spring of 2002 – the first being a full moon marriage ceremony in Bali in late April and then, again, one in Seattle one month later. They happily share their intimate life with one another and happily share their Yoga life with one and all.
Ki McGraw
Doctorate in Healtheology
Masters in Social Work
Ki is a strong, charismatic teacher who is well grounded in the ancient tradition of Yoga and models the poses to exquisite perfection. Her supportive way of instructing helps students to feel good about their practice. Between her strong teaching voice, her poetic self and her charismatic personality you can well imagine that she leaves a profoundly positive impression on those around her. Ki is in great demand as a teacher and as a friend.